How Does Hormone Treatment Help Men?

Hormone Treatment for Men

Your endocrine system releases a range of hormones that work to keep you healthy. One of the most essential hormones is testosterone that kicks in during puberty. The T-Hormone as it is also called is responsible for changes in your body like gaining height, developing muscle and bone mass, deepening voice, and facial and pubic hair. The development of sex organs at puberty and the production of semen and sperm are triggered by the same chemicals in your body. Hormone treatment helps replace or balance these chemicals so you remain healthy.

Aging Results in the Waning of Hormones

As you age and reach the age of 30 years, the T-hormone starts to wane. Hormone treatment can balance the levels in your body so you can avoid the health issues that accompany deficiencies. Science now recognizes that lowering hormones not only affect male fertility and libido, but the lack of sufficient levels results in various other health issues. Some of them include:

  • Type 2 Diabetes

  • High blood pressure

  • Poor metabolism

  • Increased risk of heart disease

  • High cholesterol and buildup of plaque on the walls of the arteries

  • Raised risk of cancer

All of these ailments occur in addition to other symptoms of waning testosterone. For example:

  • Loss of muscle mass and lower bone density

  • Weight gain

  • Low libido and disinterest in sex

  • Fatigue and lack of energy

  • Depression, stress, and anxiety

  • Poor quality of sperm both in terms of count and motility

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Hot flashes and nocturnal sweating

  • Anemia

  • Insomnia

Hormone Treatment Can be Delivered by Various Methods

Men who are looking to get back health and wellness can opt for several kinds of hormone treatment. Your doctor may suggest that you get:

  • Testosterone patches that you’ll wear on the back, legs, arms, or buttocks. You’ll change the patches and reapply by rotation.

  • Testosterone injections that you’ll get in the muscles of the buttocks every two to three weeks.

  • Testosterone gel that you can apply on your arms, abdomen, and shoulders.

While these hormone treatments work well to help you, they may have several side effects that take away from your overall quality of life.

Safer Options Are Also Available

In place of synthetic chemicals that restore the balance of hormones in your body, you could opt for natural supplements. After conducting a blood test to evaluate the exact levels of deficiencies, the doctor will likely devise a customized plan for you. This program includes taking oral supplements that are derived from plants. Since the medication is organic, you’ll have a much lower chance of unwanted adverse effects. You’ll also receive a nutritious diet and exercise regimen so you can replace waning hormones naturally. Do keep in mind that several foods can help boost testosterone production in your body.

If you’ve been experiencing the effects of hormone imbalances, consider solutions that don’t involve the intake of chemical or synthetic replacements. Talk to your doctor and he may prescribe options that work without causing ill effects. All you need to do is answer a series of questions and take a simple blood test. And, you can get recommendations that restore complete health and wellness for a happy life. Even after 50!

Corey King